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April 28, 2006

So empty.

My blog is so shamefully empty.

You should check out my del.icio.us bookmarks if you want to see traces of me actually being active on-line in some way... :) Here they are.

I'm so busy these days, but I can feel the end of the RIT Spring Quarter drawing nearer... The 7th week has finished, so there are 3 more weeks and then finals week. And then... everything changes.

Posted by Andrew at April 28, 2006 02:48 PM


I heard about the upcoming changes. Where will you go? Do you have anything lined up at this point? Would you consider jumping back into the professional realm or are you going to attempt to stay strictly educational?

How's the girl?

Oooooh the suspense!

Um... boink!

Posted by: David Johnson at May 4, 2006 03:06 PM