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July 21, 2003

Bill Bright, 1921 - 2003

The founder of Campus Crusade for Christ died this weekend. Here is a memorial website. Though I never met Dr. Bright, my life has been un-deniably touched by his legacy. I would be an entirely different person today if it had not been for the part that Campus Crusade has played in my life. CCC is the worlds largest Christian Ministry for which I am a Volunteer Staff-person. I continue to consider devoting a larger part of my life to this organization... Some of my friends might think it crazy while others would think it quite wonderful. I have made no decisions...

In fact, this weekend, has revealed to me that there is even one more way in which my life has very little steady ground right now. It was a great trip... well worth the 6+ hr. drive. Each one of the churches we visited had really great points, and wonderful people.

Wow... Well, time for bed. Kids on Campus in the morning!

Posted by Andrew at July 21, 2003 01:51 AM
